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Showing posts from 2020

Taking New Bookings

We are here for you, every step of the way! Spaces are very limited, book in now.

Meet The Artist!

Dominique Angelica Dominique has been in the body modification industry since 2007. She has had a passion for art since she was young, whether that was painting and drawing, music or building something. As she grew it just intensified. She had a determination to become an artist in whatever she could get her hands on. Today Dominique is a published tattoo artist, published photographer, alternative model, and she teaches art classes on the side. If shes not out in the wilderness with her family, shes behind a canvas. Shes a mom of two kids, who both love the arts as well. One day Dominique hopes to have them in the studio working right beside her on whatever lights their soul on fire!

So what exactly IS a Tattoo? How does it all work?

Have you ever wondered what getting a tattoo actual means? What happens to your body and how it turns from a picture on paper to a picture on you? Well lets break it down for you! First you have your tattoo machine which needs to be properly sterilized and "tuned", running smoothly and effectively. So in order for your ideas to turn into your life long piece of art, a needle (of different sizes) need to penetrate the skin into the dermis. The tattoo needles go about 3000 times a minute into your skin, depositing the ink. Once the ink is into the dermis, picture your immune system sending little pacmen cells (macrophages) coming to eat the ink. Then those little pacmen get "stuck" in the gel-like substance under your skin, holding that ink right where it should be!  Is it Painful? Of course tattoos hurt, this is such a common question. And it drives a lot of artists nuts, because needles going into the deep layers of skin obviously cant feel good right?


Many years ago, an art hub and studio were just a dream of a small girl. Never good at taking a submissive role to authority, Dominique knew she was always meant to beat her own path and run her own business. Working in the first shop at 16 in West Edmonton Mall she had a taste of what she wanted. So at the tender age of 17 she hit the ground running! Starting by tattooing herself and then friends, and then friends friends were showing up. Next thing you knew she was tattooing every day and people were paying, she knew this was just the beginning. The following year she co-opened a shop in Fort McMurray called Fort City Ink. She mainly focused on piercings in shop but kept practicing her art and her tattooing. With many set backs and rollercoaster rides along the way, she kept pressing on. Fast forward a few years and Dominique had done hundreds of tattoos, and made a wonderful name for herself. By 2015 Dominique had been a published artist mention in the worlds number 1 selling tatt

Piercing deals

Know Your Ear Piercings!

Do you know all your options?